Nullify the WHO & CDC With HB 1156
I urge you to support HB 1156, to prevent any edicts or recommendations from the WHO or CDC from being enforced in New Hampshire.
Whenever a federal (or international) law or edict conflicts with the U.S. Constitution, state officials have an obligation to uphold/enforce the U.S. Constitution -- and to nullify the unconstitutional laws/edicts.
The WHO and CDC have promulgated multiple unconstitutional and draconian regulations and orders in the last several years. It is imperative that Iowa stand up and enforce the U.S. Constitution. Please support HB 1156.
Vote YES on HB 1156 -- Stop the WHO & CDC
I implore you to support HB 1156, which will explicitly ban "any requirements, mandates, recommendations, instructions or guidance" of the WHO and CDC from being enforced in New Hampshire.
The WHO and CDC both are unconstitutional agencies, having no legal basis under the U.S. Constitution. Both agencies' actions also have violated the Constitution, including their promotion of various forms of COVID tyranny.
I urge you to follow your oath and push back against the WHO and CDC by supporting and enacting HB 1156.
Support HB 1156 to Stop WHO/CDC Tyranny
Please support and enact HB 1156 to stop the tyranny emanating from the WHO and CDC in New Hampshire.
The last few years have illustrated the threat the WHO and CDC pose to our God-given freedoms. And recent developments (e.g., the WHO's planned "pandemic treaty" and IHR amendments) show that it will only get worse.
You have taken an oath to uphold the U.S. Constitution -- and Article VI clearly implies that any law or action not "made in Pursuance" of the Constitution is null and void -- so you have authority to enforce the Constitution.
Please do this by enacting HB 1156 and preventing the WHO's and CDC's tyrannical edicts from being enforced in New Hampshire.
Enact HB 1156 -- Enforce the U.S. Constitution
Please take bold action to enforce the U.S. Constitution by enacting HB 1156, which would prevent any CDC or WHO directive from being enforced in New Hampshire.
The states are the last line of defense for our Constitution and God-given freedoms -- state officials have all taken an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution, and I urge you to abide by that oath. Congress and the executive branch are failing to abide by theirs.
Article VI of the U.S. Constitution, and the 10th Amendment, are the legal foundation of HB 1156.
Please support HB 1156. Enforcing -- not changing -- the Constitution is the rightful method for securely protecting our freedoms.
Pass HB 1156 -- Get the CDC & WHO Out of New Hampshire
I strongly request that you pass HB 1156, which would explicitly recognize that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) have no authority in New Hampshire.
All state officials take an oath "to support this Constitution." Thus, your highest priority is to protect and defend the U.S. Constitution and the God-given freedoms it protects.
The CDC and WHO threaten those freedoms, and we've seen this clearly with their actions regarding Covid-19. Enacting HB 1156 would make it clear that the U.S. Constitution supersedes any edict or recommendation from those corrupt agencies.
Please enact HB 1156, and protect our God-given freedoms.