Nullify Unconstitutional Wars With HB 4336 & SB 642
I ask you to support HB 4336 and SB 642. These bills would prevent combat deployments of the Michigan National Guard by the federal government without a congressional declaration of war or another constitutional reason in accordance with Article I, Section 8, Clauses 11 and 15, of the U.S. Constitution.
Article VI of the Constitution, along 10th Amendment, justifies -- and even requires -- the enactment of HB 4336 and SB 642. The Constitution is supreme law of the land, so National Guard combat deployments that violate its provisions -- even by the federal government -- cannot be enforced,
Please take action on -- and enact -- HB 4336 and SB 642.
Stop Foreign Wars & Enforce the U.S. Constitution -- Pass HB 4336 & SB 642
I urge you to support HB 4336 and SB 642, which are a major step toward ending foreign wars, enforcing the U.S. Constitution, and strongly countering efforts to ignore or "reinterpret" it.
The federal government's engagement in endless foreign wars has been occurring for decades, and the National Guard has a central role in this disgrace. Since 2001, over 650,000 National Guard troops have been sent to foreign conflicts. It is imperative that Michigan leaders enforce the Constitution, specifically Article VI and the 10th Amendment.
Article VI says that “This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof … shall be the supreme Law of the Land.” Thus, federal statutes and actions not consistent with the Constitution cannot have legal force.
Enacting HB 4336 and SB 642 would do much to hamper and prevent the federal government's endless wars, and create incentive to avoid them. Enforce the Constitution.
Rein In Endless, Unconstitutional Wars With HB 4336 and SB 642
Please rein in endless, unconstitutional wars by enacting HB 4336 and SB 642.
The Constitution is clear on when the National Guard may be deployed by the federal government. Many of its current deployments violate Clauses 11 and 15 of Article I, Section 8, of the U.S. Constitution.
However, state legislators have the ability -- and duty -- to rein in these wars. Enact HB 4336 and SB 642 to do just that. The only solution is for the states to enforce and protect our Constitution -- if the federal government won't protect our constitutional rights, you must.
Accordingly, please act to rein in endless, unconstitutional wars, and pass HB 4336 and SB 642.
Vote YES on HB 4336 & SB 642, to Stop Unconstitutional Foreign Wars
Please support and vote in favor of HB 4336 and SB 642.
These bills would prevent the Michigan National Guard from being deployed on missions that violate the Constitution (specifically Article I, Section 8, Clauses 11 and 15), including foreign conflicts where Congress did not declare war.
HB 4336 and SB 642 are legally grounded in Article VI of the U.S. Constitution, in addition to Clause 15 of Art. I, Sec. 8. It states that only laws that are in accordance with the Constitution can be enforced. I encourage you to also take into account these provisions when considering HB 4336 and SB 642, in addition to the essential need to end the many unconstitutional, endless wars.
Support and pass HB 4336 and SB 642.
Support HB 4336 and SB 642 -- End Unconstitutional National Guard Deployments
I implore you to support HB 4336 and SB 642, which end unconstitutional deployments of the Michigan National Guard, thus helping to nullify endless foreign wars.
The federal government has massively exceeded its constitutional bounds in foreign policy. The last time Congress declared war was in 1945. Now, our country is engaged in multiple undeclared wars with little-to-no congressional oversight.
State legislators can -- and must -- take action on this. HB 4336 and SB 642 would prevent the deployment of the Michigan National Guard if it is for an unconstitutional foreign conflict.
The U.S. Constitution itself not only encourages, but requires, that unconstitutional laws be nullified. This is found in Article VI, which says: "This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof … shall be the supreme Law of the Land.” If a law goes against the U.S. Constitution, it can and should legally be ignored.
The best and most effective way to push back endless wars is for us to enforce the U.S. Constitution. Thus, enact HB 4336 and SB 642.