Defund the Public Schools
I urge you to support defunding public schools.
Public schools are not giving our children an education. Instead, they are indoctrinating our kids to accept and support far-left and Marxist ideals. This is seen in the schools' promotion of critical race theory, radical LGBT curriculum, and hostility toward traditional Christian and Americanist values.
This system is so entrenched and massive. It cannot be reformed. The solution is to defund the system -- with the savings resulting from this action, parents will be able to spend it on higher-quality education options.
Please stop throwing money at the broken public school system.
End All Funding for Public Schools
I implore you to end all funding for public schools -- they indoctrinate students into supporting any un-American beliefs.
It's well established that the public schools are heavily biased in favor of the Left, and they are increasingly indoctrinating students with beliefs that aren't just left-wing, but also Marxist, anti-American, and anti-Christian.
If the next generation is taught to hate America's very existence, our country will cease to exist, or at least the freedoms that our Constitution guarantees.
Stop funding government schools, and allow parents to use the lower tax burden to homeschool their children or to send them to pro-American private or religious schools.
Defund Govt. Schools: No Money for Left-wing Brainwashing
Please defund all schools -- public and charter. They are brainwashing students with left-wing ideology, not just on CRT but comprehensively. Also, government shouldn't be involved in education in the first place.
This brainwashing is now going further than simply indoctrinating the next generation with a certain ideology, but teaching them to despise and hate their country and its Judeo-Christian values.
Our Republic cannot survive if its citizens are taught to hate it. Please withdraw all public funding of these institutions that promote such thinking.
Stop funding public and charter schools, which promote Marxist ideology and brainwash our children to hate our country and our values.
Stop Funding Public Schools
Please take strong action to stop funding government schools, which are indoctrinating the next generation with anti-American ideology.
This indoctrination, whether it be CRT, DEI, LGBT nonsense, or other indoctrination, is leading our children to hate America and the values upon which our Republic was founded.
If we are to save our country, we must take immediate action. It's not enough to run for school board or to ban CRT (that's only a single aspect of a much deeper problem). The solution is to stop throwing money at an irreparably-corrupt government school system.
Take action immediately, end funding for all government schools. Government shouldn't have any involvement in education, and the resulting savings will benefit everyone, especially children.
Defund Destructive Public School System
I live in your district and strongly request that you defund government schools. They are brainwashing students to hate America and the Founding Fathers' values.
Not only are schools overfunded (according to World Population Review, an average of $15,000 is spent per student), but government shouldn't involve itself in education in the first place.
The school system is very large and entrenched, so legislation to police curriculum is ineffective. The proper solution is to stop funding the school system -- parents could then use the savings to pursue their own education options.
Stop supporting schools that teach CRT, LGBT ideology, and other beliefs antithetical to American and Judeo-Christian values. Take action -- now.