Urgent Request to Reject HB743
I am writing to express my deep concern about House Bill 743, the "Parental Choice Tax Credit Act." This bill serves as tuition forgiveness for the wealthy, and disproportionately benefits urban elites at the cost of local schools. Money will go to religious and private schools with little to no accountability or oversight. Who will be responsible for making sure those funds are allocated appropriately? This legislation will divert necessary funds away from neighborhood schools, impacting our children’s education. I urge you to vote no on this bill, and instead focus on fixing the problems in Idaho’s poorly funded public schools.
Say No to House Bill 743
I am writing in strong opposition to House Bill 743. By funneling tax dollars to families already able to afford private schooling, this bill does not offer new "choices", but rather subsidizes wealthy families’ education. This approach undermines our public schools and widens the gap between the wealthiest and those in need. The ballooning cost of this program is an additional expansion of government funding and Idaho taxpayers simply cannot afford it. I implore you to vote against this measure and stand for more equal education funding.
Please Vote No on HB743
As a concerned resident of Idaho, I urge you to oppose HB743. This Tax Voucher Scheme, under the guise of "Parental Choice," effectively takes public money to subsidize private education for the wealthiest families in our state, leaving our rural schools and their students at a huge disadvantage. Many counties in Idaho don’t even have private or charter school options. Why should they have to pay for school vouchers? Our focus should be on strengthening all of Idaho's schools, not just a select few. Please vote against this bill.
Urgent: please vote no on House bill 743
As a constituent, I'm deeply concerned about the impact of House bill 743 on our rural communities. This bill threatens to take away essential funding from schools that are already struggling to provide safe, functional learning environments. Our rural students deserve better. I kindly ask you to oppose this bill and advocate for better investments that benefit all of Idaho's students equally.
Rural schools can't afford HB743
As an Idaho resident, I am deeply concerned about House Bill 743. It threatens to defund already crumbling rural schools in Idaho. Our students deserve functioning classrooms that are safe and conducive to learning, not tax credits that take money away from these schools. I implore you to consider the needs of all Idaho's children and vote against this bill.
Please vote no on HB743.
Reject Tax Voucher Schemes!
I am an Idaho resident deeply concerned about the implications of House Bill 743. Not only does it allocate public dollars to private schools, but it also sends money to private and religious schools with no oversight or accountability. This is unacceptable. Many counties in Idaho don’t even have the “school choice” options this bill presents.
Make no mistake, this bill is a Tax Voucher Scheme, inaccurately described as a “parental rights” or “school choice” bill. By supporting this legislation, you are neglecting your duty to ensure fair education for every child in Idaho. I respectfully ask you to oppose HB 743.
Strong opposition to H743
I wish to express my strong opposition to H743. Labeling it a "tax credit" obscures the reality that it is an unsustainable expansion of government programs, prioritizing the interests of a few over the needs of many. Idaho public schools cannot afford to be further defunded. Rural schools will suffer especially, as they have the least resources and funding. Please stand against this bill. Public dollars belong in public schools.
Vote No on Parental Choice Tax Credit
House Bill 743, the "Parental Choice Tax Credit Act," is misleading and detrimental to our public education system. It acts as a tuition-forgiveness program for the affluent, diverting funds from public to private schools with no oversight or accountability. This is not a path towards enhancing educational opportunities for all, but rather a step towards deepening inequality that benefits a select few. The cost for funding this bill is enormous. Other states like Arizona with education voucher laws in place have raised tax dollars and dried up budget surpluses. I urge you to vote against HB 743.
Urgent Opposition to Voucher Legislation
I write to you with a deep sense of urgency to express my opposition to the current educational voucher system proposal in Idaho. This initiative, cloaked under the guise of "Tax Credits," is fundamentally flawed, serving as nothing more than a fiscal boon for the wealthy at the expense of the wider public and our already underfunded public schools. The proposed $5,000 per child tax credit is a misallocation of resources, effectively subsidizing the education of affluent children in private settings without any accountability for the expenditure of these funds.
Moreover, the focus on urban centers for the distribution of these vouchers neglects the needs of rural communities, further exacerbating educational disparities. Idaho ranks last in the nation in per-pupil spending, a situation that this voucher scheme will only worsen by diverting much-needed funds from public to private schools, particularly affecting rural areas.
I am also concerned about the lack of fiscal accountability associated with this proposal, the potential violation of constitutional principles regarding the separation of church and state, and the undue influence of out-of-state interests in pushing this agenda. Education choice exists within our current system without the need to subsidize private education at the taxpayer's expense.
I urge you to stand against this proposal and to support initiatives that bolster public education across all of Idaho.
Please Stop the Voucher Scheme
The latest effort to introduce an educational voucher system in Idaho is a misguided policy that threatens to deepen the divide between the wealthy and the less fortunate. By offering a $5,000 tax credit per child for private or parochial school tuition, this legislation effectively provides a handout to affluent families, leaving middle-class and working-poor families behind. The majority of Idaho's private and parochial schools are located in urban areas, rendering this proposal irrelevant to families in rural counties like Clark and Leadore.
This voucher system is akin to subsidizing luxury purchases for the rich with taxpayer money, with over 85% of private educational facilities situated in urban centers, benefiting a select few. Furthermore, this proposal stands to further diminish Idaho's already last-place ranking in per-pupil expenditures, diverting crucial funds from public schools that desperately need them.
I implore you to consider the broader implications of this legislation, including its potential to erode the separation between church and state, its lack of accountability, and the outsized influence of out-of-state interests. Our focus should be on strengthening public education for all Idahoans, not on subsidizing private education for the few.
Thank you for your attention to this critical issue.
Please Preserve Our Public Schools
As a resident of Idaho, I urge you to oppose the introduction of educational vouchers in Idaho. This proposal, misleadingly termed "Tax Credits," is a clear misstep toward enriching the affluent at the public's expense, particularly disadvantaging our public schools and the rural communities they serve. The notion that this scheme offers choice is a fallacy; choice already exists within our diverse educational ecosystem, from public to private options, without necessitating a taxpayer-funded subsidy for the wealthy.
The absence of accountability in how these voucher funds would be spent is alarming. Questions around oversight and the enforcement of fiscal responsibility remain unanswered, posing a risk of misuse and furthering the erosion of trust in our educational funding mechanisms.
Moreover, the push for vouchers underscores a troubling encroachment on our constitutional rights, forcing taxpayers to support religious education indirectly. This not only challenges the principle of separation between church and state but also imposes upon the freedoms of those who choose to remain secular.
I stand with many in our community who believe in the power of public education and the necessity of keeping it robust and accessible to all. Please reject any legislation that undermines these values.