Oppose MD SB 539/HB 701
Ticket resale shouldn't be a crime. SB 539/HB 701 seeks to criminalize reselling a ticket for more than I originally paid. As a fan, I bought the ticket and should get to do whatever I want with it if I can't attend the event -- so long as I am transparent with the other fan. This bill will ruin the fan experience in Maryland and I ask you to vote no.
Protect my ticket freedoms!
Ticket resale is not a crime. SB 539 and HB 701 aim to criminalize selling a ticket for more than its original price. As a devoted fan, I purchased the ticket and believe I should have the autonomy to transfer it if I am unable to attend the event—provided I am transparent with other fans. I urge you to vote no on this bill, as it may negatively impact the fan experience in Maryland.
Fans say no to SB 539 and HB 701
SB 539 and HB 701 propose criminalizing the act of selling a ticket above its original price. As a committed fan, I obtained the ticket and feel I should be able to transfer it if I cannot attend the event, as long as I am honest with other fans. I encourage you to vote against this bill, as it could harm the fan experience in Maryland.
Fans say no to SB 539 and HB 701
SB 539 and HB 701 propose criminalizing the act of selling a ticket above its original price. As a committed fan, I obtained the ticket and feel I should be able to transfer it if I cannot attend the event, as long as I am honest with other fans. I encourage you to vote against this bill, as it could harm the fan experience in Maryland.
There is nothing wrong with reselling a ticket!
SB 539 and HB 701 aim to criminalize selling a ticket for more than its initial cost. As a dedicated fan, I purchased the ticket and believe I should have the right to transfer it if I am unable to attend the event—provided I am transparent with other fans. I implore you to vote against this bill, as it may negatively impact the fan experience in Maryland.
Do NOT criminalize Maryland fandom
Ticket resale shouldn't be a a crime. SB 539 and HB 701 seek to make it illegal to sell a ticket for more than its original cost. As a dedicated fan, I purchased the ticket and believe I should have the autonomy to transfer it if I am unable to attend the event—so long as I am transparent with other fans. I urge you to vote no on this bill, as it may negatively impact the fan experience in Maryland.
Ticket resale bills are bad for Maryland
SB 539 and HB 701 propose criminalizing the act of selling a ticket above its original price. As a committed fan, I obtained the ticket and feel I should be able to transfer it if I cannot attend the event, as long as I am honest with other fans. I encourage you to vote against this bill, as it could harm the fan experience in Maryland.
Don't criminalize the fan experience in Maryland!
Ticket resale should not be considered a criminal act. Senate Bill 539 and House Bill 701 aim to make it illegal to resell a ticket for more than its original price. As a devoted fan, I purchased the ticket and believe I should have the freedom to do whatever I wish with it if I am unable to attend the event—provided I am honest with other fans. I urge you to vote against this bill, as it threatens to diminish the fan experience in Maryland.
Vote No on SB 539 and HB 701
Reselling tickets should not be a punishable offense. SB 539 and HB 701 propose criminalizing the act of selling a ticket for a higher price than what I initially paid. As a passionate fan, I acquired the ticket and believe I should have the right to transfer it as I see fit, especially if I cannot attend the event. Transparency with fellow fans is crucial. I implore you to vote against this bill, as it could harm the fan experience in Maryland.
Ticket resale isn't wrong
Ticket resale is not a wrongdoing. SB 539 and HB 701 aim to criminalize selling a ticket for more than its initial cost. As a devoted fan, I purchased the ticket and believe I should have the right to transfer it if I am unable to attend the event—provided I am transparent with other fans. I implore you to vote against this bill, as it may negatively impact the fan experience in Maryland.
Reselling tickets are a basic freedom -- vote no on SB 539/HB701
Reselling tickets should not be treated as a crime. SB 539 and HB 701 intend to make it unlawful to sell a ticket for a higher price than what I originally paid. As a passionate fan, I acquired the ticket and believe I should have the freedom to transfer it if I cannot attend the event, as long as I am honest with other fans. I urge you to vote no on this bill, as it threatens the fan experience in Maryland.
SB 539 and HB 701 ruins live events in Maryland
Ticket resale is not an offense. SB 539 and HB 701 seek to criminalize selling a ticket above its original price. As a dedicated fan, I purchased the ticket and believe I should have the right to transfer it if I am unable to attend the event—so long as I am transparent with other fans. I encourage you to vote against this bill, as it may negatively impact the fan experience in Maryland.
Jail for reselling a ticket?! Vote No on SB 539/HB701
SB 539 and HB 701 propose making it illegal to sell a ticket for more than its initial cost. As a committed fan, I obtained the ticket and feel I should be able to transfer it if I cannot attend the event, as long as I am honest with other fans. I implore you to vote against this bill, as it could harm the fan experience in Maryland.