Support H.R. 79 and Get US Out! of the WHO
I urge you to enact H.R. 79, the "WHO Withdrawal Act," and ultimately to withdraw the U.S. from the United Nations.
The WHO is a tyrannical organization that is planning two major power grabs -- in the form of a pandemic treaty and in amendments to the International Health Regulations. These pose major threats to our liberty.
The WHO released a working draft of its pandemic treaty, and its provisions are a dangerous step toward medical tyranny. The draft's provisions threaten free speech and national sovereignty, and they promote "universal health coverage." The treaty also would vastly empower the WHO. Meanwhile, the WHO still plans on amending the IHR. The IHR amendments could also be used by the CDC to justify detaining American citizens during a "health emergency." I urge you to act immediately to prevent this.
Why are we still in this tyrannical organization? The U.S. must withdraw from the WHO and avoid the tyranny emanating out of it.
Please enact H.R. 79, the "WHO Withdrawal Act," and protect us from the WHO's power grabs.
Support HR 79 -- Withdraw From the WHO
Please support the "WHO Withdrawal Act" (HR 79). The WHO is a dangerous organization that threatens our liberty. The only realistic solution to the WHO's tyranny is to withdraw.
By its actions and proposals, the WHO has made clear that it has zero respect for the U.S. Constitution and national sovereignty.
We particularly see this with the WHO's planned pandemic treaty and IHR amendments. These are draconian and tyrannical, and we should have nothing to do with such a dangerous organization.
The proposed global pandemic treaty and the amendments to the WHO's International Health Regulations would vastly strengthen the WHO's power and could lead to, or justify, an expansion of the CDC's power to medically detain Americans.
Congress must take action -- please support and immediately enact HR 79, the "WHO Withdrawal Act."
This bill would also end all U.S. support for the WHO. Since the U.S. is one of the largest funders of the WHO, this bill will be effective in stopping its impending tyranny.
In addition to supporting HR 79, please also support fully withdrawing the U.S. from the United Nations. The UN’s very purpose is to establish a one-world government; withdrawal is imperative!
Support the "WHO Withdrawal Act" (H.R. 79)
I urge you to enact H.R. 79, to fully withdraw from the tyrannical and unredeemable World Health Organization (WHO).
The WHO taking steps to implement medical tyranny worldwide. For example, it's negotiating a pandemic treaty that would vastly strengthen WHO powers at the expense of U.S. national sovereignty. Keep in mind, the WHO has supported lockdowns and other draconian Covid restrictions. Also, the WHO is considering new IHR amendments that could enable further draconian medical restrictions, even without permission from national governments.
I strongly urge you to take bold action by doing the following:
1) Support and enact H.R. 79, the "WHO Withdrawal Act."
2) Withdraw the U.S. from the United Nations. The root of the WHO's planned tyranny is our membership in the UN, which threatens our national sovereignty and promotes policies antithetical to the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights.
Please do the two steps above, and boldly defend our rights.
Enact HR 79: Protect Liberty by Withdrawing U.S. From WHO
I implore you to protect our individual freedom from the World Health Organization and its medical tyranny -- please do this by enacting HR 79, the "WHO Withdrawal Act."
More broadly, we must fully withdraw our membership in the United Nations. Please enact legislation to do this.
Also, I urge you to act immediately. The WHO is moving ahead with its proposed pandemic treaty and IHR amendments, which would further expand the WHO's power and enable Covid medical tyranny. The CDC could use these amendments as an excuse to forcibly quarantine American citizens when the WHO declares a "health emergency." If enacted, these amendments are a major threat to freedom.
WHO membership is NOT in the national interest. In fact, it's detrimental to our interests, and it threatens our national sovereignty and medical freedom.
We should not be entangled with the globalist WHO. I urge you to withdraw the U.S. from the WHO by enacting HR 79, and to do everything else necessary to protect our freedom.
Pass H.R. 79 -- Withdraw From the WHO
I strongly request that you support and pass H.R. 79, titled the "WHO Withdrawal Act."
The WHO is planning several moves that would vastly expand its power, allowing it to meddle in national affairs, infringe upon our individual rights, and take us closer to a one-world government. These dangerous developments include a global pandemic treaty.
It's not in our nation's interest to continue our WHO membership.
The solution is for Congress to enforce the Constitution. Ultimately, we must withdraw from the UN, which is inherently antithetical to the Constitution and American values.
Thus, please also enact H.R. 79, the "WHO Withdrawal Act." No U.S. government support should ever go to such an organization working to infringe upon U.S. national sovereignty and our individual freedoms.