"Show Dog" edits were not enough!
The movie Show Dogs STILL sends a troubling message that grooms children for sexual abuse.
After receiving a firestorm of criticism about these scenes, Global Road Entertainment recut the film and re-released it in time for the Memorial Day holiday weekend. However, the sexually exploitive narrative and scenes of genital touching remain in the movie.
Global Road Entertainment has betrayed parents and endangered children by its failure to cut scenes normalizing genital touching from its children’s movie. By sending the message to children that allowing genital touching by adults is rewarding and sexy, Show Dogs paves the way for child abusers.
Please pull "Show Dog" from distribution until these scenes are removed!
On-going problems with Show Dogs
The public took in good faith Global Road Entertainment’s move to recut Show Dogs to make it appropriate for children. However genital touching of the lead dog character remains a pivotal aspect of the film’s narrative. Apparently, having the film back in theatres in time for the Memorial Day holiday box office was more important than protecting children. As a result, we strongly recommend parents to cut Show Dogs from their summer movie going list.
Please pull this film until this storyline is changed!
Pull Show Dogs again!
Please stop distributing Show Dog until it removes the below scenes - which normalize sexual abuse:
This show is billed as child-friendly, but it is normalizing the same things abusers do to groom children to accept unwanted touching. While Global Road Entertainment edited to shorten the scenes about genital touching - the genital touching remains a major plot point in the film!
Please pull this movie!
The "Show Dog" movie is still harmful for kids
Even after undergoing a so-called recut, the movie Show Dogs still has scenes in which a dog must have his private parts touched remain. In the course of the genital touching, the dog is uncomfortable and wants it to stop but is told to go to a ‘happy place’ because submitting to genital touching is an essential element of winning the dog show. Later, in a climactic moment at the dog show, the dog submits to genital touching and is rewarded with advancing to the final round of the competition. This achievement is celebrated to the tune of “Sexy and I Know It.”
Children’s movies must be held to a higher standard, and must teach children bodily autonomy, the ability to say ‘no’ and safety, not confusing messages endorsing genital touching.