Don't make 3rd season of 13 Reasons Why
The 2nd season of 13 Reasons Why portrays graphic sexual content that harms the message of the show - please do not produce a 3rd season.
While Netflix may be attempting to expose the harms of sexual assault and harassment through “13 Reasons Why” it is misguided to simultaneously portray gratuitous nudity (intending to depict teen nudity) and graphic sexual acts. By depicting these issues so graphically it both increases the likelihood that a victim of past assault will be negatively triggered by the content, and it decreases the likelihood that viewers will thoughtfully analyze the harms of sexual exploitation. It would be easy for Netflix to portray the harms of sexual violence or lack of sexual consent without simultaneously “profiting” from a sexually objectifying and voyeuristic motif, but it has so far failed to do so.
Please cancel the 3rd season!
no more 13 reasons why
Please stop producing 13 Reasons Why. Netflix’s attempt to address problems of sexual exploitation in this series is misguided and misinformed and is only serving to promulgate the rape myths already so prevalent in the sexual templates of young people educated by hardcore violent porn.
Please cancel the next season of 13 reasons why
Mental health professionals, educators, doctors, parents – many are upset with Netflix for producing and distributing a second season of the teen-centered show “13 Reasons Why.”
It includes gratuitous amounts of nudity (teenage character nudity specifically) and repeated graphic depictions of rape and sexual assault. Netflix’s irresponsible approach is only further normalizing and glamorizing these harmful and dangerous behaviors. How can Hollywood and the public allow this to continue in light of the #TimesUp movement?
Please cancel the next season!