Support Earned Leave
Please support Earned Leave legislation, such as the bills being introduced by Senators Joni Ernst and Mike Lee (the CRADLE Act), and Senator Marco Rubio and Congresswoman Ann Wagner (the New Parents Act). These bills are based off the Earned Leave proposal that Independent Women’s Forum developed. It is the simple, smart, and sensible solution to paid leave that Americans like me have been waiting for.
This Earned Leave proposal would give workers choices on when and how they use the Social Security benefits they are already earning. Workers could access a portion of their earned benefits early to take time off after the birth or adoption of a child, when they need it most. These costs would be offset, as workers who opt into this program would delay retirement by a few weeks later in life.
I support Earned Leave because it would be fully paid for and budget neutral over the long term. It would not create new or higher taxes, put costly mandates on business, or create a new entitlement program. And it would keep women in workforce and new parents off welfare.
Earned Leave also is completely voluntary. The program would not affect compensation, benefits, or the Social Security program for workers or retirees who are not interested in or eligible for the program.
This is the only fiscally responsible and innovative solution to paid leave. I encourage you to support Earned Leave legislation. Thank you for your consideration and service. Have a great day.
Social Security & Parental Leave
I am emailing to encourage you to support Social Security Parental Leave. This is the simple, smart, and sensible solution that Americans have been waiting for regarding paid leave.
Social Security Parental Leave would give workers choices on when and how they use the Social Security benefits they are already earning. Workers could access a portion of their benefits early to take time off after the birth or adoption of a child, when they need it most. These costs would be offset, as workers who opt into this program would delay retirement by a few weeks later in life.
I support Social Security Parental Leave because it would be fully paid for and budget neutral over the long term. It would not create new or higher taxes, put costly mandates on business, or create a new entitlement program. And it would keep women in workforce and new parents off welfare.
Social Security Parental Leave also is completely voluntary. The program would not affect compensation, benefits, or the Social Security program for workers or retirees who are not interested in or eligible for the program.
This is the only fiscally responsible and innovative solution to paid parental leave. I encourage you to support Social Security Parental Leave. Thank you for your time.