Help keep my spending dollars in Oregon, vote NO on HB-2270 & HB-2158
As a cigar enthusiast and supporter of my local retail tobacconist, I request that you oppose HB-2158 & HB-2270. These bills remove the current cigar tax cap that has served Oregon well for many years. Cigars are not cheap, and price is always on my mind when I am shopping for a new product. The cigar tax cap keeps me coming back to my local shop and allows me to spend my dollars at a small business. Removing the cap would undoubtedly limit my purchases and cause me to seek product elsewhere. I respectfully request a “NO” vote on these bills.
Please protect local business, vote NO on HB-2158 & HB-2270
As a cigar and avid pipe smoker, I respectfully request your NO vote on HB-2158 & HB-2270. This legislation places my local cigar lounge on the brink of closure. The cigar tax cap I pay allows me to continue visiting my local shop. Cigars are a great product that promotes camaraderie and friendship. Having a tax cap allows the shop I frequent to stay open and remain competitive against other market sources. Removing the cap will raise costs to consumers and threaten local jobs. I request you vote “NO” on these bills.