Gun control failed again in Illinois
Once again, a massacre happened in a gun-free zone (in Aurora, Illinois). And it happened, despite the fact that Illinois has some of the strictest gun control laws in the nation. Consider:
* Illinois now has a “red flag” gun confiscation law.
* Illinois has universal background checks.
* Illinois has gun bans and gun free zones.
* Illinois has licensure and gun registry -- issuing the infamous “FOID Cards” as a prerequisite to gun ownership.
In fact, Illinois has every form of gun control which gun-grabbers say would keep us safe if we enacted it on a national level.
Please oppose Universal Background Checks and repeal gun-free zones. Gun Owners of America will keep me informed of how you vote.
Oppose unconstitutional, ineffective gun control
The recent shooting in the Chicago suburb of Aurora revealed the ineffectiveness of gun control.
Chicago is one of the biggest centers of violence of any city in the country, with almost 600 people being murdered in 2018.
And the recent Aurora shooting occurred in a gun-free zone where fellow employees were prevented, by law, from protecting themselves.
It’s time for Congress to place public safety above its mindless pursuit of gun control. So please support concealed carry reciprocity and support repealing gun-free zones.
But vote against Universal Background Checks and repeal gun-free zones. Gun Owners of America will keep me informed of how you vote.