Support Permanent Tenant Protections September 10th!
As a resident of LA County, I urge you to support a permanent rent stabilization ordinance for unincorporated LA on September 10, 2019.
Our county is facing a housing affordability and homelessness crisis. Over half of the tenants in unincorporated LA pay more than 30% of their income in rent. That means tenants across the county are often one unreasonable rent increase away from being displaced or becoming homeless. At a time when homelessness has increased across the county, we demand that elected officials do everything in their power to help keep a roof over every head. Rent stabilization is an essential piece that will help tenants plan for reasonable and predictable annual increases, ultimately helping them stay housed.
We also know that rent control alone will not protect tenants. Rent control must work in tandem with other protections like: universal just cause eviction protections, a diverse rent board, a public rent registry, adequate relocation assistance, and a prohibition on no-fault evictions during the school year for families with school-age children. Together these policies will create the stable and predictable communities that we all deserve.
This would be the biggest expansion of tenant protections in California in over 40 years. Tenants across unincorporated LA, as well as tenants in smaller cities who are looking to LA County as a model, are counting on your support at this critical juncture.
Thank you for your consideration.
Support Rent Control July 31st!
As a renter who has seen the cost of housing increase all over LA County, I am writing to you today to strongly urge you to support the common-sense temporary rent freeze ordinance coming before the Board on July 31st.
As you know, the constant escalation in rent has greatly diminished the stock of affordable and available housing. The effect of rising rents, coupled with stagnant income, has also generated an increase in households that spend more than 30% of their income on rent -- leaving little money to meet other basic needs such as food and healthcare.
Enacting the 3% temporary rent freeze will immediately provide relief to families who right now are being pushed to the brink of homelessness by unreasonable rent increases. More and more homeless families are reporting the inability to afford a rent increase as the reason they ended up on the street.
I firmly believe that the well-being and stability of working families like mine should be a priority over continued windfall profits of landlords who can, and too often have, raised rents by double-digit percentages with just a short notice.
My sincere thanks for your continued leadership in the County's historic efforts to stem the housing crisis.
I sincerely hope working families of the LA County like mine can rely on you once again with your support for this critically important motion.
Thank you for your consideration.