Research low dose radiation
As your constituent, I am asking for your support of H.R. 4733, the Low-Dose Radiation Research Act of 2019. It is my belief that policy should be informed by science, and to date, there isn’t much evidence to support our existing standards of radiation safety, which require significant expenditures to prevent public exposure to even very low levels of radiation. There is, however, evidence that supports the idea that below a certain threshold, radiation is completely harmless. Radiation is everywhere. In our food and in our water. It emanates from the ground and from the sky. And yet, no correlation between natural background radiation levels and cancer rates has been observed.
More research is needed to determine whether low levels of radiation have any significant health impacts. It is important to answer this question because unneeded measures to avoid low levels of radiation are not only costing the government large amounts of money, but are a contributing factor in the prematurely closure of nuclear plants. In there place, more fossil fuels are burned, causing significant health and climate impacts. Please support HR4733 so that radiation policy can be based on reality, rather than "better safe than sorry" to the extreme.
Please fund low dose radiation research
As your constituent, I am asking for your support of H.R. 4733, the Low-Dose Radiation Research Act of 2019. It is my belief that policy should be informed by science, and to date, there isn’t much evidence to support our existing standards of radiation safety, which require significant expenditures to prevent public exposure to even very low levels of radiation. There is, however, evidence that supports the idea that below a certain threshold, radiation is completely harmless. Radiation is everywhere. In our food and in our water. It emanates from the ground and from the sky. And yet, no correlation between natural background radiation levels and cancer rates has been observed.
More research is needed to determine whether low levels of radiation have any significant health impacts. It is important to answer this question because unneeded measures to avoid low levels of radiation are not only costing the government large amounts of money, but are a contributing factor in the prematurely closure of nuclear plants. In there place, more fossil fuels are burned, causing significant health and climate impacts. Please support HR4733 so that radiation policy can be based on reality, rather than "better safe than sorry" to the extreme.
Let’s find out the actual impacts of low doses of radiation
As your constituent, I am asking for your support of H.R. 4733, the Low-Dose Radiation Research Act of 2019. It is my belief that policy should be informed by science, and to date, there isn’t much evidence to support our existing standards of radiation safety, which require significant expenditures to prevent public exposure to even very low levels of radiation. There is, however, evidence that supports the idea that below a certain threshold, radiation is completely harmless. Radiation is everywhere. In our food and in our water. It emanates from the ground and from the sky. And yet, no correlation between natural background radiation levels and cancer rates has been observed.
More research is needed to determine whether low levels of radiation have any significant health impacts. It is important to answer this question because unneeded measures to avoid low levels of radiation are not only costing the government large amounts of money, but are a contributing factor in the prematurely closure of nuclear plants. In there place, more fossil fuels are burned, causing significant health and climate impacts. Please support HR4733 so that radiation policy can be based on reality, rather than "better safe than sorry" to the extreme.
Right size radiation regulations
As your constituent, I am asking for your support of H.R. 4733, the Low-Dose Radiation Research Act of 2019. It is my belief that policy should be informed by science, and to date, there isn’t much evidence to support our existing standards of radiation safety, which require significant expenditures to prevent public exposure to even very low levels of radiation. There is, however, evidence that supports the idea that below a certain threshold, radiation is completely harmless. Radiation is everywhere. In our food and in our water. It emanates from the ground and from the sky. And yet, no correlation between natural background radiation levels and cancer rates has been observed.
More research is needed to determine whether low levels of radiation have any significant health impacts. It is important to answer this question because unneeded measures to avoid low levels of radiation are not only costing the government large amounts of money, but are a contributing factor in the prematurely closure of nuclear plants. In there place, more fossil fuels are burned, causing significant health and climate impacts. Please support HR4733 so that radiation policy can be based on reality, rather than "better safe than sorry" to the extreme.