Oppose Merging the U.S. & EU Into an "Atlantic Union"
Oppose all efforts to integrate the U.S. and the EU, including by -- but not limited to -- creating a trade agreement resembling an "Atlantic Union."
The U.S.–EU Trade and Technology Council (TTC) is a precursor to such a union. The council's purpose is to further the integration between the two blocs. Integration is also advancing through other means, including environmental measures and the "carbon-based" steel and aluminum trade agreement the two blocs proposed in October 2021.
The European Union originally began as the European Coal and Steel Community, a trade agreement with a limited scope. This shows how seemingly-small developments have a major impact on national sovereignty.
Work to end all efforts to establish a trade agreement with the EU, and if such an agreement is completed, oppose its congressional approval. In the short run, such trade agreements restrict our nation's sovereign power to use tariffs and other policies to protect our national security and prosperity. In the long run, such trade agreements are steppingstones toward regional and world government.
Oppose All U.S.-EU Integration
I demand that you oppose all efforts to politically and economically integrate the U.S. and EU. Oppose the U.S.–EU Trade and Technology Council (TTC), along with every other trade or environmental measure that integrates the U.S. and EU.
The U.S. and EU have discussed a potential trade agreement over multiple presidential administrations.
Such a deal is dangerous to our liberties. With increased integration, it becomes easier for the EU to pressure our government. What if the EU wants us to enact "hate speech" laws, draconian environmentalist legislation, or laws that infringe upon our Second Amendment? Deep integration will help pressure our leaders into taking such actions.
Remember, the EU began as a mere economic agreement specifically for the trade of coal and steel. Today, however, it is a comprehensive political bloc that continues to steadily slide toward a full-fledged federation.
Prevent the establishment of a comprehensive U.S.-EU trade deal and any other agreement that reduces our national sovereignty.
Stop Integration of U.S. and EU
I demand that you work to stop the ongoing integration of the U.S. and EU.
The Obama and Trump administration unsuccessfully sought to integrate the two governments via a trade agreement. Now, the Biden administration formed the U.S.–EU Trade and Technology Council, or TTC, and it is working on other trade- and environmental-related integration measures.
Work to stop such integration as it could threaten several of our constitutional liberties, particularly in areas where we diverge from the EU, like "hate speech" and Second Amendment rights.
Remember this: the EU has gone a long way since it was founded in 1957 as the "European Coal and Steel Community." This amazing transformation shows that a trade agreement between our country and the EU won't be the end of integration attempts.
Oppose economic and political integration between the U.S. and the EU.
Reject an "Atlantic Union"
I urge you to reject any steps to promote integration between the United States and the European Union.
The formation of the U.S.–EU Trade and Technology Council (TTC) is yet another step toward integration. Furthermore, the U.S. and EU are discussing a steel and aluminum trade agreement, among other measures.
This might seem minor, but remember, the EU originally began as the European Coal and Steel Community, a small trade agreement impacting only certain industries. It has since grown into a massive organization, on the verge of a total federation.
Oppose the TTC, and more importantly, reject any type of EU-U.S. integration. For the sake of our sovereignty, Constitution, and prosperity, it's imperative that you do.
Say No to Merging the U.S. & EU
Stop and reverse the integration of the United States and the European Union, both economically and politically.
The establishment of the U.S.–EU Trade and Technology Council (TTC) is another worrisome trend in this direction. Furthermore, the two blocs continue to discuss and implement trade and environmental agreements.
It's clear that the U.S. and EU have, by Western standards, very different values and forms of government. Integration with the EU would likely create pressure on American leaders to give ground on important issues where the U.S. diverges from EU law, such as "hate speech" and gun rights.
The 60-year transformation of the European Coal and Steel Community into the European Union shows that if we're to have any chance of stopping a merger of the U.S. and the EU into an "Atlantic Union," we must stop it immediately and clearly name what the trade negotiators are really working on.
We must be wary of a slow-motion merger between the U.S. and the EU, because we’ve already seen this.
Reject trade negotiations between the U.S. and EU, along with other types of integration between the two blocs. In the short run, such trade agreements restrict our nation's sovereign power to protect our national security and prosperity. In the long run, such trade agreements are steppingstones toward regional and world government.