Vote Against SB 677
Gun Owners of America (GOA) told me that SB 677 is a thinly disguised gun confiscation bill much like other such no due process confiscation bills being pushed by gun control organizations.
I'm urging you, in the strongest possible language to vote SB 677 "inexpedient to legislate". SB 677 cannot be "fixed" it must be defeated.
Furthermore, if we are truly interested in protecting New Hamsphire's seniors and vulnerable adults, the only need to look to existing laws such as R.S.A. 631:8, 631:9 and 631:10 to find these offenses and felony penalties. Recently, a bank employee who took advantage of a disabled adult was sentenced to prison. Our laws are working, we don'y need new ones.
GOA will keep me informed. Thank you,
SB 677 is thinly veiled gun control
Gun Owners of America (GOA) told me that SB 677 is a thinly disguised gun confiscation bill much like other such no due process confiscation bills being pushed by gun control organizations.
I'm urging you, in the strongest possible language to vote SB 677 "inexpedient to legislate". SB 677 cannot be "fixed" it must be defeated.
Furthermore, if we are truly interested in protecting New Hamsphire's seniors and vulnerable adults, the only need to look to existing laws such as R.S.A. 631:8, 631:9 and 631:10 to find these offenses and felony penalties. Recently, a bank employee who took advantage of a disabled adult was sentenced to prison. Our laws are working, we don'y need new ones.
GOA will keep me informed. Thank you,
Red Flag laws are unacceptable
Gun Owners of America (GOA) told me that SB 677 is a thinly disguised gun confiscation bill much like other such no due process confiscation bills being pushed by gun control organizations.
I'm urging you, in the strongest possible language to vote SB 677 "inexpedient to legislate". SB 677 cannot be "fixed" it must be defeated.
Furthermore, if we are truly interested in protecting New Hamsphire's seniors and vulnerable adults, the only need to look to existing laws such as R.S.A. 631:8, 631:9 and 631:10 to find these offenses and felony penalties. Recently, a bank employee who took advantage of a disabled adult was sentenced to prison. Our laws are working, we don'y need new ones.
GOA will keep me informed. Thank you,