One handgun a month law FAILED to stop the VA Tech killer
I am writing about two bad gun bills that will prohibit Virginia citizens from purchasing more than one handgun a month.
SB 69 exempts valid Virginia concealed carry holders from that gun purchase restriction while HB 812 does not exempt concealed carry permit holders. Both bills are unjust and carry up to a year in jail for violating the law!
Persons who are buying two or more handguns in a 30-day period already have their names supplied to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. That isn’t enough for Gov. Northam!
The Governor promised to revive the one handgun a month law that operated from 1993 to 2012 because of the horrible May, 2019, Virginia Beach murders and the 2007 Virginia Tech murders.
He said that the old law was “successful.” Really?
Gun Owners of America has pointed out that Virginia’s one-handgun-a-month law (which was in effect from 1993-2012) did NOTHING to stop the Virginia Tech killer. He bought both of the handguns he used, during that massacre, more than a month apart.
So the handgun rationing law was irrelevant to stopping the killer from getting his guns.
What would have made Virginia Tech safer is a campus policy allowing teachers and other school employees to carry their Concealed Carry weapons on campus.
The killer would not have had such a free hand to murder in a gun-free school zone had such a policy been in place! Gun free zones enable more killings. Consider the mass killers who, in one way or another, indicated that they sought out “soft targets” where their victims where disarmed:
* El Paso and Dayton attackers (August, 2019)
* Orlando attacker (June 12, 2016)
* Charleston church attacker (June 17, 2015)
* Santa Barbara attacker (May 23, 2014)
* Sandy Hook attacker (December 14, 2012)
* Aurora movie theater attacker (July 20, 2012)
Not only do we effectively have admissions from these heinous killers, we see the statistics: Over 90% of the mass public shootings in this country occur in gun-free zones.
Please vote NO on both of these bills and please advise me how you vote so I can share this info with my friends.
Rationing handgun purchases sets a terrible precedent
I am writing about two bad gun bills that seek to prohibit Virginia citizens from purchasing more than one handgun a month. Violators are subject to up to a year in jail!
SB 69 exempts Virginia concealed carry holders from the one handgun a month ban, and HB 812 does not exempt concealed carry permit holders from the law.
But apparently, Gov. Northam doesn’t want to exempt anyone from this law! And that’s not a surprise, because this legislation is really about handgun rationing and gun owner registration. These bills necessitate the latter, because how else would they know whether someone is buying two handguns in a month, unless they’re keeping their name on record?
Once you set the precedent for one handgun month, the next law will allow one handgun purchase every six months, then one every year, and so on.
Does Gov. Northam even know that courts have struck down one gun a month limitations as unconstitutional. (See The Washington Post, “U.S. appeals court strikes down one-gun-a-month law in District,” Sept. 18, 2015)
Look, we don’t punish careful drivers because of what drunk drivers do, and neither should we punish gun owners for the lawless acts of criminals.
Vote NO on both of the “one handgun a month” bills. They will not stop crime!
Gun Owners of America will tell me how you voted, so I can share this information with my friends.
Contrived gun tracing stings, such as Fast and Furious, are the real problem
I stand with Gun Owners of America in opposing SB 69 and HB 812 which limit handgun purchases to one gun a month. SB 69 exempts valid Virginia concealed carry holders from the gun purchase limit while HB 812 does not. Both bills restrict Second Amendment rights and carry a penalty of up to a year in jail for violations.
Neither of these bills will improve public safety! I am very skeptical of the reasons behind the Governor’s current proposal and also the “contrived” research behind the original, 1993 “one gun a month” law.
When it was reported that 41% of the crime guns came from Virginia, it was variously reported that “the vast majority” of the 41% … came from a single gun store, which ATF was investigating in part with undercover purchases going to New York. So one FFL dealer skewed the data from Virginia!
Whether ATF warned an uncooperative store of the problem of multiple purchasers being made by gun traffickers, or the store owners regularly telephoned ATF regarding suspicious multiple purchases possibly heading to New York, with ATF reassuring them that the guns should be sold, the problem involved certain guns carefully followed by ATF to New York and then traced back, not guns which happened to be traced to Virginia. (Paraphrased from Affidavit of ATF Agent Irvin W. Moran, before U.S. Magistrate Judge David G. Lowe, August 25, 1992; letter from ATF Director John W. Magaw to Senator Olympia J. Snowe, February 23, 1996.)
Stopping offending gun shops -- or stopping ATF from conducting these contrived gun tracing stings -- would have prevented gun trafficking and a reduction in data that was used to allegedly prove all of Virginia was the culprit to impose one handgun a month.
Remember Eric Holder’s “Fast and Furious?” Well, these contrived gun tracings seem very close to staging similar outcomes! Working with the Atlanta office of ATF, New York City authorities arranged the following: An “undercover officer in New York City would place an order for handguns with the defendants, who would then travel to Georgia, use an accomplice to make a seemingly lawful purchase of firearms from a local dealer, and then immediately return to New York with the guns.”
Forty-eight firearms were recovered in the course of this investigation and, presumably, dutifully traced by ATF back to the place where New York authorities had arranged for many of the guns to be purchased. (District Attorney, County of New York, 1997).
The New York authorities involved in the investigation are also promoting gun rationing at the federal level, based on their “research.” The Clinton administration was in place during these ATF operations. Investigators “themselves helped to determine where guns would be traced to ….” (National Institute of Justice, Proceedings of the Homicide Research Working Group Meetings, 1997 and 1998, May 1999, page 70.)
I do not want any more laws imposed on Virginia by out of state billionaires using contrived or faked data. Please advise me of your vote on these two bills. I will share your votes with my other concerned friends and relatives.
Many mass shooters admit they target gun-free zones
I am writing about two bad gun bills that will prohibit Virginia citizens from purchasing more than one handgun a month.
SB 69 exempts valid Virginia concealed carry holders from that gun purchase restriction while HB 812 does not exempt concealed carry permit holders. Both bills are unjust and carry up to a year in jail for violating the law!
Persons who are buying two or more handguns in a 30-day period already have their names supplied to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. That isn’t enough for Gov. Northam!
The Governor promised to revive the one handgun a month law that operated from 1993 to 2012 because of the horrible May, 2019, Virginia Beach murders and the 2007 Virginia Tech murders.
He said that the old law was “successful.” Really?
Gun Owners of America has pointed out that Virginia’s one-handgun-a-month law (which was in effect from 1993-2012) did NOTHING to stop the Virginia Tech killer. He bought both of the handguns he used, during that massacre, more than a month apart.
So the handgun rationing law was irrelevant to stopping the killer from getting his guns.
What would have made Virginia Tech safer is a campus policy allowing teachers and other school employees to carry their Concealed Carry weapons on campus.
The killer would not have had such a free hand to murder in a gun-free school zone had such a policy been in place! Gun free zones enable more killings. Consider the mass killers who, in one way or another, indicated that they sought out “soft targets” where their victims where disarmed:
* El Paso and Dayton attackers (August, 2019)
* Orlando attacker (June 12, 2016)
* Charleston church attacker (June 17, 2015)
* Santa Barbara attacker (May 23, 2014)
* Sandy Hook attacker (December 14, 2012)
* Aurora movie theater attacker (July 20, 2012)
Not only do we effectively have admissions from these heinous killers, we see the statistics: Over 90% of the mass public shootings in this country occur in gun-free zones.
Please vote NO on both of these bills and please advise me how you vote so I can share this info with my friends.
SB 69 and HB 812 would necessitate gun owner registration
I am writing about two bad gun bills that seek to prohibit Virginia citizens from purchasing more than one handgun a month. Violators are subject to up to a year in jail!
SB 69 exempts Virginia concealed carry holders from the one handgun a month ban, and HB 812 does not exempt concealed carry permit holders from the law.
But apparently, Gov. Northam doesn’t want to exempt anyone from this law! And that’s not a surprise, because this legislation is really about handgun rationing and gun owner registration. These bills necessitate the latter, because how else would they know whether someone is buying two handguns in a month, unless they’re keeping their name on record?
Once you set the precedent for one handgun month, the next law will allow one handgun purchase every six months, then one every year, and so on.
Does Gov. Northam even know that courts have struck down one gun a month limitations as unconstitutional. (See The Washington Post, “U.S. appeals court strikes down one-gun-a-month law in District,” Sept. 18, 2015)
Look, we don’t punish careful drivers because of what drunk drivers do, and neither should we punish gun owners for the lawless acts of criminals.
Vote NO on both of the “one handgun a month” bills. They will not stop crime!
Gun Owners of America will tell me how you voted, so I can share this information with my friends.
Don’t punish the law-abiding because of what criminals do
I am writing about two bad gun bills that seek to prohibit Virginia citizens from purchasing more than one handgun a month. Violators are subject to up to a year in jail!
SB 69 exempts Virginia concealed carry holders from the one handgun a month ban, and HB 812 does not exempt concealed carry permit holders from the law.
But apparently, Gov. Northam doesn’t want to exempt anyone from this law! And that’s not a surprise, because this legislation is really about handgun rationing and gun owner registration. These bills necessitate the latter, because how else would they know whether someone is buying two handguns in a month, unless they’re keeping their name on record?
Once you set the precedent for one handgun month, the next law will allow one handgun purchase every six months, then one every year, and so on.
Does Gov. Northam even know that courts have struck down one gun a month limitations as unconstitutional. (See The Washington Post, “U.S. appeals court strikes down one-gun-a-month law in District,” Sept. 18, 2015)
Look, we don’t punish careful drivers because of what drunk drivers do, and neither should we punish gun owners for the lawless acts of criminals.
Vote NO on both of the “one handgun a month” bills. They will not stop crime!
Gun Owners of America will tell me how you voted, so I can share this information with my friends.
Courts have struck down one-gun-a-month limitations as unconstitutional
I am writing about two bad gun bills that seek to prohibit Virginia citizens from purchasing more than one handgun a month. Violators are subject to up to a year in jail!
SB 69 exempts Virginia concealed carry holders from the one handgun a month ban, and HB 812 does not exempt concealed carry permit holders from the law.
But apparently, Gov. Northam doesn’t want to exempt anyone from this law! And that’s not a surprise, because this legislation is really about handgun rationing and gun owner registration. These bills necessitate the latter, because how else would they know whether someone is buying two handguns in a month, unless they’re keeping their name on record?
Once you set the precedent for one handgun month, the next law will allow one handgun purchase every six months, then one every year, and so on.
Does Gov. Northam even know that courts have struck down one gun a month limitations as unconstitutional. (See The Washington Post, “U.S. appeals court strikes down one-gun-a-month law in District,” Sept. 18, 2015)
Look, we don’t punish careful drivers because of what drunk drivers do, and neither should we punish gun owners for the lawless acts of criminals.
Vote NO on both of the “one handgun a month” bills. They will not stop crime!
Gun Owners of America will tell me how you voted, so I can share this information with my friends.