Bring mobile sports betting to California!
I urge you to do whatever you can to bring mobile sports betting to California. I should have the right to place bets directly from my phone or computer while I watch the game from the privacy of my home. Sports fans across California are placing bets through platforms that lack critical security features and provide no consumer protections. A lot of these illegal platforms seem legitimate, but they don’t have something as critical and simple as secure payment systems or protections against underage play. I believe that you should stand up for consumer protections, including those that we desperately need for sports betting in California. Sports betting money should stay right here in California instead of going to unregulated operators and illegal bookies, which is what is happening without mobile betting.
Why not us?
People all over the U.S. in states like Nevada, Colorado and Oregon can place bets directly from their phone or computer. Why can’t we do that in our state? California is a leader in innovative policies, yet we are behind 16 other states who have already legalized mobile sports betting. I want the right to place bets in the same way and sports betting money should stay right here in California instead of going to illegal bookies and operators. We need lawmakers like you to pass sports betting!
I can bet on sports right now
All I have to do is download an app or go to a website for one of the illegal sites that are everywhere. It’s super easy and I have lots of friends in California who bet all the time with these companies. But I want to be able to bet safely and not worry about my money getting stolen. By not making sports betting legal in California, you’re only hurting millions of people like me who want to do the right thing.
Let’s legalize sports betting- now
Betting on sports is fun and I enjoy it. I do it responsibly and it makes hanging with my friends and watching games more fun. But right now, the only option people have in California is to bet with illegal market sites that have really bad histories for not paying people when they win. I’d much rather bet with a legal site that generates revenue for our state and is reliable with payments when I win. I love watching sports and sports betting will let me have even more fun following my favorite teams. Please legalize mobile sports betting in California. Thank you.
Sports betting = money for COVID19 relief in California
This seems like an easy win for California. Legalize mobile sports betting and capture the revenue that is currently being given to illegal and offshore companies. More revenue means we can do more in our communities and help families and programs that have been impacted badly by COVID-19. Let those who want to bet, bet. Those who don’t want to, don’t have to. But it should be up to us to decide.
Let’s get that revenue and put it to work for the health and safety of our communities!