Co-sponsor, Report and Pass Constitutional Carry (HB 1412)
I stand with Gun Owners of America in support of Constitutional Carry, HB 1412, and I urge you to support, co-sponsor and vote for this legislation.
I am also concerned that there has been no movement on HB 1412 in the House Judiciary Committee.
Representative Aaron Bernstine (R-10) is the sponsor of Constitutional Carry. HB 1412 will make Pennsylvania a safer and freer commonwealth. We should not have to get government permission to exercise a Constitutionally-protected right! In fact, 17 states allow for Constitutional Carry, including our neighboring state of West Virginia.
If you have not already done so, please co-sponsor HB 1412 and ask the House leadership to report the Constitutional Carry bill out of the House Judiciary Committee--then vote for its passage without gutting amendments.
Co-sponsor and Get HB 1412 Out of Committee
I stand with Gun Owners of America in support of Constitutional Carry, HB 1412, and I urge you to support, co-sponsor and vote for this legislation.
I am also concerned that there has been no movement on HB 1412 in the House Judiciary Committee.
Representative Aaron Bernstine (R-10) is the sponsor of Constitutional Carry. HB 1412 will make Pennsylvania a safer and freer commonwealth. We should not have to get government permission to exercise a Constitutionally-protected right! In fact, 17 states allow for Constitutional Carry, including our neighboring state of West Virginia.
If you have not already done so, please co-sponsor HB 1412 and ask the House leadership to report the Constitutional Carry bill out of the House Judiciary Committee--then vote for its passage without gutting amendments.
Co-sponsor and Move Constitutional Carry (HB 1412)
I stand with Gun Owners of America in support of Constitutional Carry, HB 1412, and I urge you to support, co-sponsor and vote for this legislation.
I am also concerned that there has been no movement on HB 1412 in the House Judiciary Committee.
Representative Aaron Bernstine (R-10) is the sponsor of Constitutional Carry. HB 1412 will make Pennsylvania a safer and freer commonwealth. We should not have to get government permission to exercise a Constitutionally-protected right! In fact, 17 states allow for Constitutional Carry, including our neighboring state of West Virginia.
If you have not already done so, please co-sponsor HB 1412 and ask the House leadership to report the Constitutional Carry bill out of the House Judiciary Committee--then vote for its passage without gutting amendments.