Don’t Pass A Meaningless Gesture to Appease the Gun Banning Left
Members of the Holly Springs Town Council:
Posting a prohibition against lawful OPEN CARRY serves no purpose but to advance a gun banning agenda promoted by the left. It will not save lives.
“NO FIREARM ZONES” are killing fields. Time and time again, history has shown us that no firearm signs DO NOT work. The criminal is only emboldened by such ignorance on our part believing these signs work. The first responders to a tragedy are the people present. Law Enforcement often arrive too late to do anything but merely take the report and clean up the damage done.
What is your reason to now ban legal law-abiding residents the right to defend themselves where you feel appropriate? Is it really about safety? Is it your opinion that law enforcement will be present during an attack wherever evil might occur? Two days after the August 18th meeting, a man was assaulted and killed on a Raleigh public greenway. Speaking of Raleigh, have you watched the videos from Raleigh of Friday night? Do you anticipate a few bucks thrown toward your reelection campaign next year from the deep pockets of Michael Bloomberg or George Soros? Or more ominously, do you just want to control the lives of others merely because you can?
Did you know that the emails you may have received in support of restrictions were prepared by a Michael Bloomberg funded organization “North Carolinians Against Gun Violence” and that they also demand the defunding of North Carolina Law Enforcement Agencies? Will your next step be to defund the Holly Springs Police in accordance with their wishes?
As potential swing votes at Tuesday’s meeting YOU, Councilmen Villadsen and McGrath will be responsible if the unthinkable occurs in Holly Springs and your vote with your gun banning colleagues on the Left prevents citizens the right to protect themselves or loved ones. Give law-abiding citizens at least a fighting chance. Carving out “exceptions” will do the public no good unless you concurrently propose to spend considerable sums ramping up law enforcement assets and locking down the town with checkpoints, metal detectors, and random search and frisks.
Please do not vote to create restrictions on lawful open carry anywhere in Holly Springs.
Gun Owners of America will monitor your vote and with my support will take any necessary action as may be required to ensure the protection of our Constitutional Rights.
The City of Raleigh Was Unable to Enforce a Curfew – Violence and Vandalism the Result
Members of the Holly Springs Town Council:
Posting a prohibition against lawful OPEN CARRY serves no purpose but to advance a gun banning agenda promoted by the left. It will not save lives.
“NO FIREARM ZONES” are killing fields. Time and time again, history has shown us that no firearm signs DO NOT work. The criminal is only emboldened by such ignorance on our part believing these signs work. The first responders to a tragedy are the people present. Law Enforcement often arrive too late to do anything but merely take the report and clean up the damage done.
Testimony presented at last month’s public hearing on this matter indicates this is merely political posturing presented by your left leaning peers with no factual basis to claim any accident or incident detrimental to public health and safety in decades of responsible citizen behavior. They want it banned merely because they want it banned. Period.
The businesses in Downtown Raleigh, mere miles from Holly Springs spent Friday busily boarding up their shops in anticipation of violence, rioting, looting, and worse to come Friday and Saturday nights. A hastily called-for curfew was not enforced. The need to protect oneself and loved ones is never more apparent than it is today. We live in lawless times where progressive “Woke” political leadership demands law enforcement step down and let havoc wreak its toll. Enacting a ban on lawful Open Carry is not the solution. In fact, it will make criminals of lawful citizens protecting property and lives if anarchy spills over onto the streets of Holly Springs.
On the 18th of August, you rightly concluded banning lawful concealed carry in Holly Springs served no purpose and voted against the proposed measure. Now I ask you to vote responsibly one more time and table this equally insane idea carving out open carry exclusion zones in and around Holly Springs.
Please do not vote to create restrictions on lawful open carry anywhere in Holly Springs.
Gun Owners of America will monitor your vote and with my support will take any necessary action as may be required to ensure the protection of our Constitutional Rights.
The Wake County Sheriff’s Illegal Actions Leave Citizens No Recourse But Lawful Open Carry – Don't Take It Away From Us
Members of the Holly Springs Town Council:
Posting a prohibition against lawful OPEN CARRY serves no purpose but to advance a gun banning agenda promoted by the left. It will not save lives.
“NO FIREARM ZONES” are killing fields. Time and time again, history has shown us that no firearm signs DO NOT work. The criminal is only emboldened by such ignorance on our part believing these signs work. The first responders to a tragedy are the people present. Law Enforcement often arrive too late to do anything but merely take the report and clean up the damage done.
Testimony presented at last month’s public hearing on this matter indicates this is merely political posturing presented by your left leaning peers with no factual basis to claim any accident or incident detrimental to public health and safety in decades of responsible citizen behavior. They want it banned merely because they want it banned. Period.
The reality is Wake County Sheriff Gerald Baker and others unlawfully continue to deny citizens, including residents of Holly Springs, permits to purchase handguns or permits to lawfully conceal carry handguns. OPEN CARRY remains the ONLY lawful manner some citizens possess to protect themselves and loved ones. The Right to Keep and Bear Arms is fundamental and must be honored by those who legislate law and order among us.
As potential swing votes at Tuesday’s meeting YOU, Councilmen Villadsen and McGrath will be responsible if the unthinkable occurs in Holly Springs and your vote with your gun banning colleagues on the Left prevents citizens the right to protect themselves or loved ones. Give law-abiding citizens at least a fighting chance. Carving out “exceptions” will do the public no good unless you concurrently propose to spend considerable sums ramping up law enforcement assets and locking down the town with checkpoints, metal detectors, and random search and frisks.
Please do not vote to create restrictions on lawful open carry anywhere in Holly Springs.
Gun Owners of America will monitor your vote and with my support will take any necessary action as may be required to ensure the protection of our Constitutional Rights.