Congress Must Take Action on Research Animal Shortages
As a member of the American biomedical research community engaged in animal research that helps both humans and our pets, I am reaching out to you to express concern that American researchers are facing potential research animal shortages in the midst of COVID-19 work.
The NIH has issued a notice (NOT-OD-20-173) detailing shortages in non-human primates for biomedical research. At the same time animal models are critical in COVID-19 research.
Several news outlets (The Atlantic, The Independent and USA Today) have also discussed this growing shortage of research animals, particularly non-human primates.
Congress needs to take immediate action to ensure the long-term sustainability of medical research supply chains, particularly regarding the supply of non-human primates.
Thank you very much for your time and action on this important issue.
Remove Animal Rights Language from FY21 Approps Bills
As a member of the American biomedical research community engaged in animal research that helps both humans and our pets, I am frustrated to again have to reach out to you regarding the FY21 Appropriations process.
Like last year, animal rights groups have inserted unscientific politics into the appropriations process with bill language and report language.
If you are on any appropriations committees I strongly encourage you to fight to remove bill language and report language that attacks animal models directly, this includes but is not limited to the FY21 Labor-H, Ag, and MilCon bills. If you are not an appropriator, I ask that you to talk to your colleagues who are encouraging them to pass clean bills without animal rights language.
American research is saving lives but we cannot do our jobs while being attacked by both animal rights activists and Congress. Please pass clean appropriations bills without animal rights language or report language.
Thank you very much for your time and action on this important issue.
Remove Animal Rights Language from FY21 Approps Bills
As a member of the American animal research community engaged in work that helps both humans and our pets, I am frustrated to again have to reach out to you regarding the FY21 Appropriations process.
Like last year, animal rights groups have used the appropriations process to push their agenda with bill language and report language. During the COVID-19 pandemic the American research community needs more support from Congress, not less. We in the research community feel like we are battling animal rights extremists on one hand and members of Congress on the other.
If you are on any appropriations committees I strongly encourage you to fight to remove bill language and report language that attacks animal models directly, this includes but is not limited to the FY21 Labor-H, Ag, and MilCon bills. If you are not an appropriator, I strongly encourage you to talk to your colleagues who are encouraging them to pass clean bills without animal rights language.
American research is saving lives but we cannot do our jobs while being attacked by both animal rights extremists and Congress. Please pass clean appropriations bills without animal rights language or report language.
Thank you very much for your time and action on this important issue.