I urge you to OPPOSE H.R. 1744
As a member of the American biomedical research community engaged in animal research that helps both humans and our pets, I am encouraging you to oppose misguided and unscientific bills like H.R. 1744, also known as the "Humane Research and Testing Act"
This bill lacks a basic, fundamental understanding of the scientific process and is really just an animal rights bill masquerading as a science bill. Animal research is fundamental to the medical discovery process for both humans and animals. Currently technology makes alternatives a supplement, not a replacement.
American research is saving lives but we cannot do our jobs while being attacked by both animal rights extremists and Congress. Please oppose this bill.
Thank you very much for your time and action on this important issue.
OPPOSE the Humane Research and Testing Act
As a member of the American biomedical research community engaged in animal research that helps both humans and our pets, I am emailing you to oppose the Humane Research and Testing Act (H.R. 1744).
This bill lacks a basic, fundamental understanding of the scientific process. Animal research is fundamental to the medical discovery process for both humans and animals. Current technology makes alternatives a supplement to, not a replacement of, animal research.
American research is saving lives but we cannot do our jobs while being attacked by both animal rights extremists and Congress. Please oppose this bill.
Thank you very much for your time and action on this important issue.
OPPOSE H.R. 1744
As a member of the American biomedical research community engaged in animal research that helps both humans and our pets, I am asking you to oppose H.R. 1744.
This bill lacks a basic, fundamental understanding of the scientific process. Animal research is fundamental for both human and animal health. Currently, technology makes alternatives a supplement, not a replacement.
American research is saving lives but we cannot do our jobs while being attacked by both animal rights extremists and Congress. Please oppose this bill.
Thank you very much for your time and action on this important issue.