Oppose the Fur Ban in New York
It is time to stand up and oppose overreaching government action in New York. Take a few moments to reach out to your elected officials to oppose the fur ban A. 5040 in our state. This is a ban of a legal product that is an ethical choice and natural fabric. Our state lawmakers don’t need to play the fashion police and should focus on real issues instead of outlawing an industry that has a history in our state and established small business community.
Your voice matters and we need you to share your views with lawmakers to promote consumer choice.
Oppose the Fur Ban in New York
It is time to stand up and oppose overreaching government action in New York. Take a few moments to reach out to your elected officials to oppose the fur ban A. 5040 in our state. This is a ban of a legal product that is an ethical choice and natural fabric. Our state lawmakers don’t need to play the fashion police and should focus on real issues instead of outlawing an industry that has a history in our state and established small business community.
Your voice matters and we need you to share your views with lawmakers to promote consumer choice.