Oppose the Fur Ban in New York
As a constituent, I write to you because I am strongly opposed to the proposed bill A. 5040 which would make it unlawful to manufacture and sell fur products in the state of New York. I am a consumer who believes in freedom of choice and do not like it when politicians dictate to me what I can and cannot buy. I hope you will focus on important issue effecting our state and refrain from targeting a small business community that has a deep history in our state and employs thousands of people. Thank you for your consideration of my views.
No on A. 5040
Government overreach is getting out of hand! A. 5040 is a perfect example of this problem. Please oppose A. 5040 to preserve consumer choice.
Vote No on A. 5040
As a constituent, I want express that I do not support A. 5040 or banning fur in the State of New York. As a consumer, I want to have the ability choose what clothing products I purchase. I hope you will focus on more important issues effecting our state and stand up for consumer choice by voting this ill-advised bill down. Thank you for your consideration of my views.
Vote Against the Fur Ban
Consumers should have the right to choose whether or not they buy fur. A. 5040 is clearly government overreach and an assault on consumer choice. As you constituent, I do not support this legislation and would appreciate if the New York legislature would focus on more important issue facing our state. This legislation is a waste of time, resources, and would cost our state tax revenue and jobs. Thank you for your consideration of my views.
Government Overreach is Out of Control
A. 5040 is another example of the government trying to restrict my freedom as a consumer. I do not think we should be banning the sale of fur in our state as it would costs thousands of people their jobs and significant tax revenue to our state. Let’s focus our priorities on issues that will truly help improve our communities and your constituents. Please vote no on this legislation to preserve consumer choice in New York. Thank you for your consideration of my views.