Solve Child Care for West Virginia Families
I want your support for increased state funding to reduce the childcare shortage in West Virginia.
One of the most significant obstacles for parents to be able to work is the need for more access to affordable child care. The struggle of these families is real, and without child care for their kids, parents cannot go to work.
Please consider backing additional state funding so local childcare programs receive the necessary funding to remain open and working families can access high-quality care for their children.
Fund Childcare for Working Families
I am reaching out to urge you to vote in favor of increasing state funding to address our state's childcare shortage.
The lack of accessible and affordable childcare is a significant barrier for working parents. Reliable childcare options are essential for parents to pursue employment opportunities.
Your support for increased state funding is crucial. By ensuring that local childcare facilities receive the necessary funding to remain open, we can ensure that working families can access high-quality care for their children. Your vote can make a real difference in the lives of many families in our community.